• Ratio
  • TitoloRatio
  • Autore Lucia Marcucci  
  • Anno 1984
  • Classificazione Collage
  • Dimensioni Height: 29.7 cm Width: 21 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Collage and pencils on paper
"My poetics consists, through the word and the sign, in the literary and pictorial, but above all critical, reworking of the mass media (images, slogans, variously persuasive and mystifying languages ​​of the contemporary social system)." - Lucia Marcucci Lucia Marcucci "also began to devote herself to poetry using the collage technique: she experimented and produced forms of literary collage, borrowing phrases and languages of various kinds. In 1963, by joining together a series of sheets and filling them with printed phrases, she elaborated her first technological collage poem L’indiscrezione è forte (Maked Indiscretion). In the same year, Lucia Marcucci, got to know the exponents of the Florentine Gruppo ’70, and invites them to the Grattacielo to stage an initial version of Poesie e no, a show curated by Eugenio Miccini and Lamberto Pignotti, with music by Sylvano Bussotti and Giuseppe Chiari and scenography and direction by Enrico Sirello. After these performances, the show will be staged by the members of the Gruppo ’70 (Lucia Marcucci, Eugenio Miccini, Lamberto Pignotti) who will later be joined by Antonio Bueno and Emilio Isgrò. 1965 is the year that Lucia Marcucci made her debut with the Gruppo ‘70 in Palermo at the Festival del Gruppo 63, with a version of Poesie e no. This marked the start of a season of ongoing experimentation: Manifesto Poetry, Auditive Poetry, Cine-Poetry (a collage of old 16mm films), Tecnological Poetry, Object/Subject Books and the partecipation in debates, performances, festivals and national and international conferences, such as Poesie e no 3 held in the Feltrinelli book-shop in Florence or the III Festival del Gruppo ’70 at the Galleria Vigna Nuova and the Galleria Numero, again in Florence, or Poesia Visiva at the Galleria-Libreria Guida in Neaples. [...] The Gruppo ’70 broke up at the end of 1968 and Lucia Marcucci, together with the visual poets Alain Arias-Misson, Jean-Francois Bory, Herman Damen, Paul De Vree, Eugenio Miccini, Luciano Ori, Michele Perfetti and Sarenco, founded the International Visual Poetry Group, sustained by the magazines «Lotta Poetica» and «De Tafelronde», the former published in Italy and the latter in Belgium, and by the Galleria Brescia. In the production of recent years Lucia Marcucci uses, in addition to the technique of collage and digital, also the advertising images skillfully manipulating the posters that cover the peripheries of cities." - Lucia Marcucci
Sitography: DE VREE, Jan, MINUTO, Maria Elena, "Conference Report | Engaged Visuality | Rome 7-8 July 2022", www.blog.muhka.be, 2/11/2022

FRITTELLI ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, "Lucia Marcucci", www.frittelliarte.it

MARCUCCI, Lucia, "Biografia", www.luciamarcucci.com