• L'antithéses
  • TitoloL'antithéses
  • Autore Ladislav Novak  
  • Anno 1986
  • Classificazione Painting
  • Dimensioni Height: 42.4 cm Width: 29.5 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Froissage on paper
"Max Ernst, in the long-ago and now heroic era of Surrealism, wrote in defense of visual automatism, that new techniques had to be discovered which would permit " the reproduction of what is seen within us"; the artist was to limit his active part in creating this picture so that he would be "present as a spectator" at its birth. Ladislav Novak continues in this Surrealistic intention with the help of his new techniques. "If the finished picture is already contained in the crumpled foundation, if faults in the paper inevitably determine the image, the long experience has also brought me to recognize that something can be found in every foundation. Whai I find, however, always corresponds to my own psychic character, to my unconscious, to its state at the moment, so that in fact, thorough my interpreted froissages, I always discover myself anew...This approach - at first sight too much based on chance - in fact reveals the core of my being" - Jindřich Chalupecký, "The heretical Surrealism of Ladislav Novak"
CHALUPECKY, Jindřich, "The heretical Surrealism of Ladislav Novak", Galleria Schwarz, Milano, 1974, p. 26