• Untitled
  • Second Page
  • Third Page
  • TitoloUntitled
  • Autore Dick Higgins  
  • Anno 1978
  • Classificazione Artist's book
  • Dimensioni Height: 28 cm Width: 21.7 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Ink on paper
"As for myself, I think you know that I am uncomfortable with unique works of art in any case -- and am all the more so with unique so-called artist books unless they are prototypes, I dislike teh elitism which unique books imply, although I do not dislike all elitisms. Why? 1. There is a natural elitism that is based on capability -- in order to achieve the paeks, one must not compromise, even when it appears that one is alone in seeing those peaks. That elitism seems inevitable and admirable. 2. But there is another elitism based on circustamnce and opportunity (or the lack of opportunity) -- hereditary aristocracy has its counterpart in the problem of wealth, both material and cultural. When a work is acquired for its role in the trappings of wealth, it is debased and its maker is alienated from his proper role in the given-and-take of human society." - Extract from the text