• Navigation for Strings
  • TitoloNavigation for Strings
  • Autore Alvin Lucier  
  • Anno 1991
  • Produttore Edizioni Francesco Conz, Verona
  • Classificazione Textiles
  • Dimensioni Height: 198 cm Width: 160 cm
  • Edizione H.C.
  • Materiale Silkscreen on cloth
Александр Лейкин, "Alvin Lucier-Navigation (1991) (Мoscow 3.10.2017)", www.youtube.com, 7/10/2017
Commissioned by Crustalbecht Stiebler and Hessischer Rundfunk for the Arditti Quartet. Edited in Verona. "Four string plays repeat in various permutations the four pitches entained in a minur third. At the same time they gradually slow down the tempo, inver the depramic level and microtonally raise and inver the pitches, manowing the third to a wism. During the ... of the performance, audibly beats are heard, at speeds determined by Hu closeners of Hu turnings. As Hu intervals between the pitches grow smaller, HU speed of the beating gradually slows down, from 14, 13, and 12 beats per second. The number of eyeles per second between the original semitraces - to zero beats at unison." - Alvin Lucier "Navigations for Strings (1991) was commissioned by the Hessischer Rundfunk (German Radio). Musically it consists of 4 tones, for which a long stream of continually changing melodic and instrumental combinations occur. As the players move through the combinations, they raise and lower the pitches in imperceptibly small increments, some smaller than the human ear can hear. As the size of the interval contracts, the players gradually lower the dynamic level and slow down the tempo, allowing the sounds to lengthen like shadows and recede into the ambiance of the room. Because of the closeness of the tunings, audible beats are heard at speeds determined by the distances between the pitches." - Mode records
Sitography: EDIZIONI CONZ BERLIN, edizioniconz.com,
MODE RECORDS, "Small Waves; Navigations For Strings (mode124)", www.moderecords.bandcamp.com
SOUNDHLM, "Alvin Lucier. Navigation for strings. Small waves", www.soundohm.com