• Chord catalogue
  • TitoloChord catalogue
  • Autore Tom Johnson  
  • Anno 1987
  • Produttore Edizioni Francesco Conz, Verona
  • Classificazione Textiles
  • Dimensioni Height: 147.5 cm Width: 145 cm
  • Edizione 13/21
  • Materiale Silkscreen on cloth
Undated silkscreen. Artwork related to "the chord catalogue" album 1986-87. "Tom Johnson composed The Chord Catalogue in 1986 and has performed it numerous times around the world since then. [...] Extreme and, one would think, extremely simple. A lesser man would have arranged those 8178 chords in some symphonically meaningful, or else quasi-random order, but Johnson proceeded methodically up the chromatic scale from two notes at a time, three, four, so on to 13....By the time we reached 10-note chords, the information overload was such that differences were hardly perceptible, a situation reminiscent of serial music. Far from being heavy-handed minimalism, The Chord Catalogue was a pointed lesson in music history and the relativity of perception." - Kyle Gann, Village Voice
Sitography: BAND CAMP, "The Chord Catalogue" www.xirecords.bandcamp.com