• Longship
  • TitoloLongship
  • Autore Aldo Mondino  
  • Anno 1983
  • Classificazione Painting
  • Dimensioni Height: 25 cm Width: 35 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Acrylics on canvas
"Painting and the backgrounds of his paintings then inspired the idea of using linoleum, another of this artist's iconic mediums; he had learned the art of linocutting in Paris, from the master William Hayter. [...] In practice, Mondino decided to make a cycle on the Eiffel Tower by reproducing the marks of linocutting through painting. The visual trick lay in the recognisability of the work, with a technique which distance painting from the high ideal of paintbrush used on the right side of the bristles). The canvas was covered with a base of light colour, often pale yellow and green, and the background was brought to the surface through a process of removal. The effect is that of a block print, but the medium is definitely paint, and a direct examination of it confirms this." - Valerio Dehò, "Aldo Mondino. Catalogo generale vol.1"
AA.VV.,"Aldo Mondino. Catalogo generale vol.1, General catalogue vol.1", Allemandi, 2017, pp. 50-51.