• Non va sempre tutto Lichtenstein
  • TitoloNon va sempre tutto Lichtenstein
  • Autore Aldo Mondino  
  • Anno 1966
  • Classificazione Painting
  • Dimensioni Height: 50 cm Width: 160 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Acrylic on canvas and plastic balloon with string
"Parody is a form of appropriation, and of love, like - in a different and more sociologic view - it has been done by Maurizio cattelan who basically imitates without copying, remakes by appropriating something that belongs to reality or to other artists. The parody presents elements of the text model that is reused, by pushing those elements to the absurd and by modifying its initial purposes. In this sense it can be similar to the satire, even though satire prefers social targets and develops into humour. [...] The title becomes part of this game again, is not just an end in itself, but represents a deep analysis of the art piece to make a parody of. [...] It is a confirmation, and often an act of love, of the subject of the parody that it is reread with a more down-to-earth interpretation. [...] Ever since the Sixties with his plastic balloons coming out from the painting, Mondino was able to go beyond the dimension of the classical canvas. The painting was the starting point for an idea of art that wasn't confinedin standards or formulas." - Valerio Dehò, "Aldo Mondino. Viaggi straordinari"
DEHÒ, Valerio, "Aldo Mondino. Viaggi straordinari", Villa Bertelli, Agenzia NFC, Rimini, 2020, pp. 10-15