• Cayuco
  • TitoloCayuco
  • Autore Marcos Avila Forero  
  • Anno 2012
  • Classificazione Video art
  • Durata 00:55:00
  • Edizione 1 ap
  • Materiale video HD, color, sound
The first stage of the project began with a cartography exercise, assembled from the accounts of several clandestine migrants - together with the assistance of three organization who support them - in order to reconstruct the path that they must follow through the eastern Moroccan desert. On the second stage, a plaster cast reproduction of a cayuco (small fishing vessel used frequently by clandestine migrants) was carried through the desert in the span of several days, reproducing the route previously mapped with the organization. The path starts from the closed border with the Algeria, near Oujda, to the spanish enclave of Melilla. By virtue of being dragged directly on the ground, the sculpture wears itself little by little under the weight of its own march, tracing at the same time, as a reminder, the white trail of its path. Thus the cayuco becomes a cartographic tracing tool, projecting a life-sized, ephemeral cartography of its path towards Mount Gurugù. The journey ends with the encounters of those people who the precariousness of their exodus has dragged to this mountain, set on the edge of the Melilla border, where many of them have been hiding for several years already, waiting for the moment when they'll be able to cross on the other side. On the Gurugù summit, the remains of the vessel were left as well, a white ruin evoking its own shipwreck, in contrast with the ones the migrants use, camouflaged in black in order to go unnoticed. - A.A. V.V., Contras las corrientes / Desde las montañas, pag. 33, 2018
Personal Exhibition at Pori Art Museum, 23 Mar-3 Sep 2018.
A.A. V.V., Contra las corrientes / Desde las montañas, Pori art museum - ADNgaleria ediciones, Finland, 2018.