• Diversa proiezione
  • TitoloDiversa proiezione
  • Autore Diego Zuelli  
  • Anno 2009
  • Classificazione Video art
  • Durata 00:02:00
  • Edizione 1/3
  • Materiale video
The “Studio G7” art gallery in Bologna (Italy) has a pretty challenging space for videos, since it’s a narrow, small and almost square room, with ancient and uneven medieval walls. Projecting a video onto these walls promised to be a real nightmare, so I decided to enhance the site-specific characteristics, working on purpose on a distorted projection and including the stream of water that naturally flowed under the ancient gallery walls (the Aposa stream). The result was a site-specific video projection, as sloping as the walls, showing a room identical to the art gallery screening space. A room within a room, filled with water and a deforming “perspective box”. Ancient and clammy walls submerged by water; constantly changing, bending and deforming in time (a whispering and windy sound as its soundtrack). From that experience, I derived an autonomous video art work. where it’s the water level to be disjointed, not orthogonal, not natural anymore. A heterogeneous liquid, deformed by the white cube moving walls. Besides the small submerged steps, there is no human intervention or presence. The audio track is a mix of different wind gusts echoing in the hollow space and a piece from Olivier Messiaen, a French composer. The Russian film director Aleksandr Sokurov said about him: "Sometimes, when I listen to Messiaen, it seems to me that I am not listening to music but to the instrument tuning up all by itself. There is no composer, just a piano in an empty room, and the sound." Once again, no human interventions. (from the artist website)
Solo show "Diversa proiezione" at Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, 21 November - 19 December 2009.