• two cuts in a circle
  • Titolotwo cuts in a circle
  • Autore Elle De Bernardini  
  • Anno 2022
  • Classificazione Sculpture
  • Dimensioni Height: 60 cm Depth: 23,4 cm
  • Materiale gold leaf, acrylic, thread and faux fur on canvas
A thin band of black hair encircles this spherical, gold-coated sculpture. A sense of depth is created by two central vertical slashes that suggest something is hiding beneath the surface. The contrast between luxury and nature, or between outward value and inner essence, can be reflected in the combination of the golden surface and the hairs. The vertical slashes evoke concepts of vulnerability or revelation because they resemble wounds or symbolic openings. The piece is confusing and provocative due to the use of gold, which conjures up a sense of sacredness, and the contrast between the hairs and their raw materiality.