• Barca
  • TitoloBarca
  • Autore Giuseppe Desiato  
  • Anno 1980
  • Classificazione Painting
  • Dimensioni Height: 110 cm Width: 350 cm
  • Edizione Unique
  • Materiale Acrylic on canvas
Life-size painting of a boat, executed on the Procida beach. Due to the large size of the painting, the artist needed the help of a few people, mainly friends and acquaintances, to support the canvas during its realisation. In the case of this painting, the artist requested the collaboration of the collector during the realisation process. Within the philosophy of Desiato's practice, the painted work was the result of a performative process, as is clear from the artist's choice to paint directly on the beach, sometimes horizontally on the sand, and other times with the canvas suspended and supported by helpers.
DESIATO, Giuseppe, "Autobiografia" in "Lotta poetica", year I number 2, 1987, pp.30-37.