• First Step 11

    Photo: Arianna Bassetto

  • Signature and date
  • TitoloFirst Step 11
  • Autore Alberto Scodro  
  • Anno 2024
  • Classificazione Announcement
  • Dimensioni Height: 42,2 cm Width: 29,7 cm
  • Edizione Multiple
  • Materiale Ink and print on paper
Poster of First Step 11, a series of contemporary art lectures, from the date of May 8, 2024 with guests Lucia Aspesi, curator of Hangar Bicocca in Milan, and artist Alberto Scodro, Academy of Fine Arts of Verona. Original signature and date by the artist.
Sitography: ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI VERONA, "Torna First Step 11 – Immersione nell’arte contemporanea a Verona", www.accademiabelleartiverona.it