• Rotazione no. 1
  • TitoloRotazione no. 1
  • Autore Diego Zuelli  
  • Anno 2008
  • Classificazione Video art
  • Durata 00:02:00
  • Edizione 1/3
  • Materiale video: 3D computergraphics, HD 720p25, sound
from the artist website: Arthur C. Clarke’s Rendezvous with Rama, Edgar A. Poe’s A Descent into the Maelström, Correggio’s L’assunzione della vergine - Holy Virgin’s Assumption in Parma. Such artwork titles aim at suggesting a direction, a movement, a vector: may it be straight, rectilinear, ascending or descending, it is always associated with a rotation or a revolution on the movement axis. These artworks describe very different situations and subjects, in times and cultural contests far from each other. Nevertheless, they have in common some unconventional descriptions of fluids materials (i.e. clouds or water), depicted differently from their usual shape or appearance, as if they were descriptions of some plastic, solid and very dynamic fluids. Correggio’s clouds and Edgar A. Poe’s Maelström are fluid sculptures! They are main characters, not just mere background elements. The “cylindrical sea” depicted by Clarke is an architecture, a mystery and a crawling presence.
One Photo One Video no.2, Modena, Luglio 2008

Gemine Muse, Forlı̀, Fabbrica delle Candele, Maggio 2009

VideoYearArtBook, Bologna, luglio 2009

Visione Video, a cura di Maria Rosa Sossai. ArtVerona, settembre 2009

Festival Ipercorpo, Forlı̀, inaugurazione 18 settembre 2009

Clear sky, 2012.