• Samuel Fosso
  • TitoloSamuel Fosso
  • Autore Samuel Fosso  
  • Anno 2004
  • Classificazione Print
  • Dimensioni Height: 99,7 cm Width: 68,8 cm
  • Edizione Multiple
  • Materiale Print on paper
Poster of the exhibition at Centro internazionale di scavi scaligeri, Verona, 2004 with inscription and signed by the artist. "Working between photography, self-portraiture and performance, the work of Franco-Cameroonian photographer Samuel Fosso occupies a central position in the international contemporary art world. From his early works in the 70’s, creation of alternate identities that challenged representational conventions, Samuel Fosso has given autofiction and self-portraiture a new dimension, one that is all at once political and historical, fictional and intimate. Embodying key historical figures and social archetypes has become for him not only a way of existing in the world, but also a clear demonstration of the power of photography to construct myths, and a way to question what is at stake in accepted codes of representation and identity." - Samuel Fosso, official site