• Rejected Tube Map Cover Illustration
  • TitoloRejected Tube Map Cover Illustration
  • Autore Jeremy Deller  
  • Anno 2007
  • Classificazione Print
  • Dimensioni Height: 59,5 cm Width: 84 cm
  • Edizione Multiple
  • Materiale Offset lithograph
"[...]Was part of the show "Joy in People" and is called "My Failures" – a section of works that I wish I'd been able to make but wasn't able to. [...] Transport for London (TFL) asked me to design a cover for the Tube map, which I eventually did. The first idea, though, was to depict a bicycle symbol in the colours of the map. The word came back that it was a confusing message and unsuitable as you can’t take your bike on certain lines, which was kind of the point in the first place." - Jeremy Deller, official site
Sitography: DELLER, Jeremy, "My Failures, 2004 - present", www.jeremydeller.org

MORE MUSEUM, "Rejected Tube Map Cover Illustration", www.moremuseum.org

SALA, Francesco, "Da cimitero dei sogni infranti a vetrina di nuove possibilità: compie un anno MoRE, il museo virtuale che raccoglie progetti artistici mai realizzati. E inaugura la sua prima temporanea on-line, con opere originali di Presicce, Bertocchi, Hirsch…", www.artribune.com, 31 marzo 2013

SCOTTI, Marco, "Jeremy Deller, Rejected Tube Map Cover Illustration", www.repository.unipr.it, 2013