• Clear sources
  • TitoloClear sources
  • Autore Marco B. Fontichiari  
  • Anno 2018
  • Classificazione Video art
  • Durata 00:23:30
  • Edizione 1/5 + 2 ap
  • Materiale video
In the video Clear Sources, the artist consistently recaptures a short segment from 11 Hollywood movies (one for each decade of the History of Hollywood films). This digestive procedure causes a huge loss of information and at the same time brings to the surface structural visual elements like lights, colors and shapes. From the source of the image, now incomprehensible, the process gives life to a acultural and polyglot content. The script of the original movie is consumed by google translate. Each translation is translated a series of times: starting from the english language, the text is rescripted in the most ancients languages first, until it becomes “modern” again. Cycling through the languages, the trip of the text so creates a digital dialect of english. The typefaces used in the overlaid text are the same ones of the opening scenes of the source films and their transparency reveals the presence of the original video track. The audio track has been rendered again again by a tone correction software. So the soundtrack translation functions in the same way of the script but the aesthetic results are more similar to what happens in the images. (from the artist's website)
Solo exhibition: Lost in translation (popcorn), 20 June 2018, at Localedue, Bologna.