• Love Story
  • Cover
  • Internal Pages
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  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
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  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Back
  • (s)cripturae with dedication to Giorgia
  • TitoloLove Story
  • Autore Mirella Bentivoglio  
  • Anno 1971
  • Produttore Galleria Arturo Schwarz, Milano
  • Classificazione Artist's book
  • Dimensioni Height: 9 cm Width: 9 cm
  • Edizione Multiple
  • Materiale Print on paper
Artist's book containing a visual poem realised using the 'flipbook' technique. The text is published by Schwarz Gallery Editions. Graphic designer: Enzo Marsico. 20 Pages. Black cardboard book case.
Sitography: FONDAZIONE BERARDELLI, "Love Story", www.fondazioneberardelli.org

FONDAZIONE BONOTTO, "Love story", www.fondazionebonotto.org/