• The Large Glass and Related Works, Vols. I-II
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Erratum Musical
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • Internal Pages
  • TitoloThe Large Glass and Related Works, Vols. I-II
  • Autore Marcel Duchamp  Arturo Umberto Samuele Schwarz  
  • Anno 1967
  • Produttore Galleria Arturo Schwarz, Milano
  • Classificazione Artist's book
  • Dimensioni Height: 42 cm Width: 25,3 cm
  • Edizione unknown/135
  • Materiale Print on paper
Sound performances from Duchamp's Erratum Musical:
HORVATH, Nicolas, "Marcel Duchamp Erratum Musical 'Staccato' by Nicolas Horvath", www.youtube.com
MARCEL DUCHAMP (TEMA), "Erratum Musical", www.youtube.com
THE HOUSE OF HIDDEN NOWLEDGE, "Marcel Duchamp: Erratum Musical (for three voices)", www.youtube.com

Extract from "The Large Glass and Related Works, Vols. I-II", pages 127-250. "The Large Glass and Related Works, Vols. I-II" originally contained the complete set of 18 etchings, on handmade paper watermarked The Large Glass, with full margins and the full sheets, loose (as issued), hors-texte, titles, texts, facsimiles, reproductions, and justifications, in two volumes: volume I with original folded paper wrappers, cloth-covered boards with title on spine, within Plexiglass case with color reproduction of The Large Glass and volume II within original paper wrappers, orange cloth-covered boards and slipcase. both 17 x 10 3/8 in. (43.2 x 26.4 cm) Signed by the artist and author (in both volumes) and numbered copy. Series of 135 (there were also 15 artist's proofs in Roman numerals), published by Galleria Schwarz, Milan. About "Erratum Musical": "Duchamp composed a music piece en famille, Erratum Musical, by using chance operations. [...] it was precisely that kind of simplicity that Duchamp liked, drawing jumbled notes at random from a hat. Duchamp composed Erratum Musical with his sisters Yvonne and Magdeleine, seventy-five notes picked by chance to accompany as many syllables of the randomly chosen dictionary entry for imprimer." - Sylvère Lotringer, "Becoming Duchamp"
Sitography: AA.VV., "Marcel Duchamp.The Large Glass and Related Works, Vols. I-II", www.phillips.com
AA.VV., "The Large Glass and Related Works, Volume II, by Arturo Schwarz, 1969", www.artsy.net
IL PONTE, "Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968) - Arturo Schwarz (n. 1924) - The Large Glass and Re", www.arsvalue.com
LOTRINGER, Sylvère, "Becoming Duchamp", www.toutfait.com, vol.1 issue 2, 05/2000.