• Complex form

    Photo: Fabio Fantini

  • Photo Credit Fabio Fantini
  • Photo Credit Fabio Fantini
  • TitoloComplex form
  • Autore Sol LeWitt  
  • Anno 1988
  • Classificazione Sculpture
  • Dimensioni Height: 90 cm Width: 60 cm Depth: 60 cm
  • Materiale Lacquered wood
As in other Complex form works, the artist uses a conceptual and geometric formalization to express his vision of the world.
"Intra Moenia", October 6th 2018 - January 13th 2019.
"Intra Moenia. Collezioni Cattelani", Lorenzo Respi (a cura di), Milano, 2018, ISBN 978-88-98853-10-6.