News swiss
Gabriella Ciancimino, Flatform
Artist news | Works by Gabriella Ciancimino and Flatform are featured in the exhibition La terra nostra è un mostro di mare curated by Claudio Zecchi and Paolo Mele, at KORA - Centro del Contemporaneo, Castrignano de' Greci (Puglia), open from 15 July...
Haris Epaminonda
Artist news | The solo show Haris Epaminonda. Vol. XXIX curated by Nadia Veronese at Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, is open from 7 July 2023 to 14 January 2024.
Giulia Cenci, Laure Prouvost, Andreas Slominski
Artist news | Giulia Cenci, Laure Prouvost, Andreas Slominski are present in the exhibition Before the Cockerel Crows. Works from Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection curated by Tom Eccles, Liam Gillick and Mark Rappolt, at Palazzo Re Rebaudengo, Guarene...
Nona Inescu
Artist news | Nona Inescu has been shortlisted for the Ducato Prize 2021: the exhibition is at Volumnia, Stradone Farnese, 33, Piacenza (IT), open from 5 June until 11 July 2021.
(Image: N. Inescu, Echo, 2017; istallation view, OGR, Torino. Photo...
Irma Blank, Benni Bosetto, Ludovica Carbotta, Maria Morganti, Marinella Senatore
Artist news | Artworks by Irma Blank, Benni Bosetto, Ludovica Carbotta, Maria Morganti, Marinella Senatore are present in the exhibition Io dico io - I say I, curated by Cecilia Canziani, Lara Conte and Paola Ugolini, at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte...
COC on ArtsLife, 30 March 2020
Interview | Diego Bergamaschi talks about the association and its web-based collection archive in an interview by Giada Pellicari for ArtsLife, together with other two major Italian...
Giovanni Morbin
Artist news | The performance Essere o ffendere by Giovanni Morbin is presented in the frame of the festival CORPI SUL PALCO, introduced by Andrea Contin, at the Teatro Linguaggicreativi, via Villoresi 26, Milano, on 14 and 15 December...
Sophie Ko
Artist news | The installation Sophie Ko Geografie temporali in Ca' Pesaro, Venezia, is open from 10 October to 15 December 2019.
Esther Klaes
Artist news | The solo exhibition Start curated by Nicola Trezzi at the CCA - Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv, is open from 21 September to 16 November 2019.
Davide Bertocchi
Artist news | The group exhibition Le temps de l’île curated by Jean-Marc Bresse and Guillaume Moinsaingeon at MUCEM, Marseille (FR), is open from 17 July to 11 November 2019.
Davide Bertocchi is amongst the artists in the exhibition.