Luca Bertolo
Artist news | Luca Bertolo is among the artists present in the show Domus contemporanea curated by Margherita de Pilati and Andrea Viliani, at Galleria Civica Trento, from 22 June to 26 November...
Helena Hladilova
Artist news | The solo show by Helena Hladilova La montagna che vide l'elefante curated by ARTECO and CRIPTA747, at Pinacoteca G.A. Levis, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 75, Chiomonte (TO), is open from 29 April to 24 September 2023.
(Image: H. Hladilova,...
Haris Epaminonda
Artist news | Haris Epaminonda is among the artists featured in the exhibition Nationalgalerie. Eine Sammlung fuer das 21. Jahrhundert curated by Sam Bardaouil, Till Fellrath and Catherine Nichols at Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart,...
Michele Spanghero
Artist news | Michele Spanghero partecipates to the show Listening Post curated by Stefano Coletto in collaboration with Catalina Golban, at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Galleria di Piazza San Marco, Venezia, open from 21 July until 10 September...
Pamela Diamante
Artist news | Pamela Diamante is among the artists featured in the show TERRA ANIMATA - VISIONI TRA ARTE E NATURA IN ITALIA (1964-2023) curated by Paola Bonani and Francesca Rachele Oppedisano at Mattatoio, Roma, from 30 March to 27 August...
Jordi Colomer
Artist news | Casas vacias no hacen ciudad, installation by Jordi Colomer curated by Benedetta Casini for BIENALSUR at MUNTREF Centro de Arte Contemporaneo y Museo de la Inmigracion - Sede Hotel de Inmigrantes, Buenos Aires, is open from 29 July to 31...
Giulia Cenci
Artist news | The solo show backland no. 2 by Giulia Cenci curated by Eugenio Viola at Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires Ciudad, is open from 18 may to 30 July 2023.
Premio Termoli
Artist news | Luca Bertolo, Giulia Cenci, Irene Fenara, Adelita Husni Bey are among the artists featured in the group showi>Premio Termoli LXIII, curated by Cristiana Perrella, at MACTE - Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Termoli, from 27 may to 17 September...
Daniela Ortiz
Artist news | Daniela Ortiz participates to the exhibition WHO WE ARE, Reflecting a Country of Immigration curated by Johanna Adam, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Dan Thy Nguyen, at Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, from 26 May until 8 October...
Sophie Ko
Artist news | Sophie Ko is among the artists featured in the group show Raggioverde curated by Michela Eremita, at Santa Maria Della Scala, Siena, from 14 July to 13 September 2023.