Luigi Ontani
Artist news | Works by Luigi Ontani are presented in the show Il mio corpo nel tempo curated by Adriana Polveroni e Patrizia Nuzzo, in the Gallery of Modern Art A. Forti, Verona, until 28 January 2018.
Two news from the museum MADRE, Napoli.
Artist news | An artwork by Gregorio Botta enters in the collection of the museum: the show Per formare una collezione: The Show Must Go_ON curated by Andrea Viliani opens on 13 October 2017.
Cristian Chironi and Sissi
Artist news | On Saturday 14 October 2017, in the frame of the project 40° sopra La Performance curated by Fabiola Naldi and Maura Pozzati, in Palazzo Magnani, via Zamboni 20, Bologna, Cristian Chironi will perform Eco" (3 – 7 pm) and Sissi...
Michele Spanghero
Artist news | On 3 October 2017 the permanent installation Wave by Michele Spanghero will be inaugurated at Parco dell’Isonzo, via Roma 151, Turriaco (GO), Italy.
Diego Zuelli
Artist news | In the frame of In your dreams I am a landscape, curated by Linda Rigotti and Daniele Pezzi, La Casa del Cinema, Venezia: screening of the video 3000 esposizioni ultrarapide (2002-2009) by Diego Zuelli, on 4 October...
Michele Spanghero
Artist news | On Saturday 23 September 2017 opens at Fabbrica Altra, via Pasubio 149, Schio (VI), Italy, with High Rise a site specific sound installation by Michele Spanghero.
Margherita Moscardini
Artist news | Margherita Moscardini is one of the winners of the Italian Council with the project Inventory. The fountains of Zaatari presented by Pastificio Cerere, Rome.
Trisha Baga
Artist news | Trisha Baga (Venice, USA, 1985; lives and works in New York) is Fürstenberg Contemporary fellow for 2017.
Michele Spanghero
Artist news | Monologue for Two, a solo show by Michele Spanghero, curated by A. Possati, at the SAIC Ballroom, Chicago, IL, USA, from 14 until 21 September 2017; a collateral exhibition of the Chicago Architecture...
Michele Spanghero
Artist news | Michele Spanghero takes part to the grop showPoint Zero (until 11 September 2017) at Ars Electronica festival, Post City, Linz, Austria.