Artists from the collections
Artist news | Works by Omar Galliani, Luigi Ontani, Giulio Paolini, Salvo, are present in the exhibition Raffaello e l’eco del mito at Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, from 27 January to 6 May 2018.
Neil Beloufa
Artist news | The exhibition Works from the Lune Rouge Collection is open at Art Projects Ibiza, Ibiza, Spain, since 18 January 2018.
Luca Macauda
Artist news | The solo show Ciane opens on 20 January 2018 at Fondazione Rocca Dei Bentivoglio, Museo Archeologico, Bazzano (BO), curated by F. Baboni and S. Taddeia.
Micol Assaeel, Yoko Ono, Luigi Ontani, Daniel Spoerri, Franco Vaccari
Artist news | Works of some artists from the collections are present in the group exhibition Take Me (I'm Yours) at Hangar Bicocca, Milano, curated by Christian Boltanski, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Chiara Parisi, Roberta Tenconi. The show is open until 14...
Camille Blatrix
Artist news | An installation by Camille Blatrix is on show in Villa Medici, Roma, for the exhibition Open at Night, curated by Chiara Parisi. The exhibition is open to the public fron 16 December 2017 until 28 January...
Moe Yoshida
Artist news | The exhibition FIGURA. Un percorso nel teatro d'immagine is open until 5 february 2018 in the Torri dell’Acqua, Budrio (Bologna).
Seth Price
Artist news | The exhibition Social syntetic, curated by Achim Hochdoerfer, Tonio Kroener and Beatrix Ruf, at the Museum Brandhorst, Muenchen, is open until 8 April 2018.
Luigi Ghirri. Atlante
Artist news | The exhibition Luigi Ghirri. Atlante, curated by Margherita Guccione, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Laura Gasparini at the MAXXI (Claudia Gian Ferrari Hall), Roma, is open until 21 January ...
Mats Bergquist
Artist news | Mats Bergquist takes part to the exhibition Painting Black, in the Art Room Schroth, Musem Wilhelm Morgner, Soest (DE), until 4 March 2018.
Stefano Arienti
Artist news | The exhibition Da Brooklyn al Bargello: Giovanni della Robbia, la lunetta Antinori e Stefano Arienti, curated by Ilaria Bonaccossa, at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Firenze, is open from 9 November 2017 until 8 April 2018.