March 24th, 2021: Ferlinghetti's Birthday
Artist news | Look at the exhibition: a 20 year old memory.
Luca Trevisani
Artist news | Luca Trevisani is among the artists participating to the project of mail art C-Art-Off-Line, curated by Mirko Rizzi and supported by Fondazione Cariverona. The exhibition C-ART-Off-LINE@Vetrina Museo Maffei, in Palazzo Maffei - Casa...
Glenda Leon
Artist news | We are all made of stars by Glenda Leon is presented in the exhibition Rethinking Collectivity, curated by Gerardo Mosquera, Hyperimage Group (Dong Bingfeng, Xiang Zairong, Teng Yuning), and Yang Beichen. The exhibition is included in ...
Silvia Camporesi
Artist news | Works by Silvia Camporesi are present in the exhibition Italia in-attesa, 12 racconti fotografici, curated by Margherita Guccione, Carlo Birrozzi and Flaminia Gennari Santori, at Palazzo Barberini, Roma, open from 25 February until 13 June...
Irma Blank, Benni Bosetto, Ludovica Carbotta, Maria Morganti, Marinella Senatore
Artist news | Artworks by Irma Blank, Benni Bosetto, Ludovica Carbotta, Maria Morganti, Marinella Senatore are present in the exhibition Io dico io - I say I, curated by Cecilia Canziani, Lara Conte and Paola Ugolini, at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte...
Neïl Beloufa
Artist news | Digital Mourning is the solo exhibition by Neïl Beloufa, curated by Roberta Tenconi at Hangar Bicocca, Milano, open from 17 February to 18 July 2021.
(Image: N. Beloufa, Kempinski, 2016. Installation view, Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2017. Photo:...
Flavio Favelli
Artist news | The solo show Vita d'artista at the Fondazione Pini, Milano, is open from 10 February until 7 May 2021.
(Image: Flavio Favelli Collection, Ceramiche tagliate. Photo credit: Dario...
Jacopo Benassi
Artist news | The solo exibition Void curated by Elena Magini at the Centro Pecci, Prato (IT), is open from 8 September 2020 until 28 February 2021.
Marinella Senatore
Artist news | The project We Rise by Lifting Others designed by Marinella Senatore for Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, and curated by Arturo Galansino, is open from 3 December 2020 until 7 February 2021.
(Image of the installation. Photo credit:...
Adelita Husni-Bey
Artist news | Adelita Husni-Bey is present in the exhibition Above Us Only Sky at the Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art, Lillestrom, Norway, curated by Rikke Komissar, Tor Arne Samuelsen, Monica Holmen and Martina Petrelli, from 30 January to 28 February...