News Artist news
Luigi Ghirri
Artist news | The retrospective El mapa y el territorio, curated by James Lingwood at Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, is open until 7 January 2019.
Elena Mazzi, Eugenia Vanni
Artist news | Works by Elena and Eugenia are showcased in the exhibition Young Italians, curated by Ilaria Bernardi, at Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New York City, until 1st November...
Reto Pulfer
Artist news | The collective exhibition Lucie Schenker, Edit Oderbolz, Reto Pulfer weiche Raster curated by Katja Herlach at Kunstmuseum Olten (CH) is open until 11 November 2018.
Roberto Pugliese
Artist news | The solo show Concerto per Architettura curated by Flavio Arensi at the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, is open until 19 October 2018.
Carlo Scarpa
Artist news | The retrospective La vetreria M.V.M. Cappellin e il giovane Carlo Scarpa 1925-1931 curated by Marino Barovier is open at Le Stanze del Vetro, San Giorgio Maggiore island, Venice, until 6 January...
Alessandro Roma
Artist news | The solo show Vertigo Walking on the edge of the tone curated by Irene Biolchini at MIC-Museo Internazionale della Ceramica, Faenza, is open until 21 October...
Vera plastica
Artist news | In the frame of festivalfilosofia, design objects from the collections are showcased at Consorzio Creativo, Modena, curated by by Paolo Credi, until 23 September 2018.
Sophie Ko
Artist news | Among other artists, Sophie Ko partecipates in the collateral event of Manifesta 12, Palermo: Grand Tour en Italie curated by Michela Eremita, from 6 to 16 September 2018.
Cesare Leonardi
Artist news | In the frame of the London Design Biennale 2018, Italy presents 24 drawings from the book L’Architettura degli Alberi. The show is open from 4 to 23 September 2018.
Neil Beloufa
Artist news | The personal exhibition Global agreement by Neil Beloufa in Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt is open until 28 October 2018.