News Artist news
Giorgio Andreotta Calò
Artist news | The site-specific installation Ellissi by Giorgio Andreotta Calò, curated by Leonardo Regano, can be seen at the LabOratorio degli Angeli, Bologna, from 8 to 23 May 2021.
Chiara Fumai
Artist news | The retrospective Chiara Fumai. Poems I will never release 2007–2017 curated by Milovan Farronato and Francesco Urbano Ragazzi with the cooperation by Cristiana Perrella, is open at the Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato,...
Artisti delle collezioni dei soci
Artist news | Franco Angeli, Rodolfo Aricò, Stefano Arienti, Enrico Baj, Mattia Barbieri, Pinuccia Bernardoni, Irma Blank, Alighiero Boetti, Dadamaino, Gino De Dominicis, Omar Galliani, Franco Guerzoni, Giuseppe Maraniello, Eliseo Mattiacci, Aldo Mondino, Luigi...
Aldo Mondino Alighiero Boetti Art City Bologna 2021 Dadamaino Eliseo Mattiacci Emilio Scanavino Enrico Baj Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna Franco Angeli Franco Guerzoni Gilberto Zorio Gino De Dominicis Giulio Paolini Giuseppe Maraniello Giuseppe Spagnulo Irma Blank Luigi Ontani Mattia Barbieri Maura Pozzati Omar Galliani
Micol Assael, Diego Perrone
Artist news | Works by Micol Assael and Diego Perrone are present in the exhibition Space Oddity. Artworks from the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection curated by Irene Calderoni, at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, open from 24 February...
Giulia Cenci
Artist news | The solo exhibition Tallone di ferro curated by Sergio Risaliti and Eva Francioli at the Museo Novecento, Firenze, is open from 28 April until 22 August 2021.
(Image: G. Cenci, Museruola, 2020. Ph.: G....
Francis Offman
Artist news | The solo exhibition Francis Offman at Baleno International, Roma, with a presentation by Davide Ferri, is open by appointment from 10 April until 15 May 2021.
(Image: F. Offman, Untitled, 2019. Photo: G....
Daniel Spoerri
Artist news | The retrospective Daniel Spoerri, curated by Veronika Rudorfer at the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien, is open from 24 March until 27 June 2021.
(Image: D. Spoerri, Tableau Piège, Restaurant Spoerri, 1972. Copyright: Daniel Spoerri and...
Glenda Leon
Artist news | The work The Book of Faith by Glenda Leon is present in the exhibition The Artist as Poet: Selections from PAMM's Collection, at the Perez Art Museum Miami, open from 25 March 2021.
(Image: G. Leon, El Libro de la Fe, 2015. Courtesy...
March 24th, 2021: Ferlinghetti's Birthday
Artist news | Look at the exhibition: a 20 year old memory.
Luca Trevisani
Artist news | Luca Trevisani is among the artists participating to the project of mail art C-Art-Off-Line, curated by Mirko Rizzi and supported by Fondazione Cariverona. The exhibition C-ART-Off-LINE@Vetrina Museo Maffei, in Palazzo Maffei - Casa...