



© Michele Spanghero  

This artwork by Michele Spanghero is a musical reconstruction of the Regio Theater in Parma. The artist emitted and recorded sound until achieving a satisfactory result, effectively creating a monologue of the theater. Subsequently, a video was produced where the image of the theater gradually unfolds as the sound becomes distorted. The video captures the essence of an empty theater.
In his exploration of the sound of vacant spaces, the artist conducted recordings in various opera houses in Italy, capturing sounds through physical mediums like objects. This approach creates an interactive dynamic with the sculpture.
The resulting work stands as a monologue of the empty theater, encapsulating the atmosphere during the COVID-19 period. The iterative process of sound repetition and recording within the environment imparts the impression that the theater is engaged in a dialogue with itself, echoing infinitely in response.

Courtesy: Collezione Anna e Francesco Tampieri

  • TitleMonologue
  • Author Michele Spanghero  
  • Year 2014
  • Classification Video art
  • Duration 00:07:01
  • Edition 1/3+1 ap
  • Medium video
The video installations Monologue show the process of ambience recording of empty theaters: the layerings of the recordings make the theater resonate. With silence the theater is in darkness, but, as the sound rises, the lights slowly grow up to reveal the hall and, in backlight the artist alone on stage, carefully listening to the sound of the “voice” of the theater (from the artist's website). Audio and video recordings were made by kind permission of Teatro Regio di Parma, Italy.
Michele Spanghero. Tracks', curated by Stefano Coletto, Palazzetto Tito, Venezia, 29 October - 10 December 2023

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